June 09 - 11, 2025
Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington DC
Lucror Analytics is a credit and ESG research specialist and a provider of technology solutions to support differentiated fixed income strategies. Since 2010, Lucror has been a trusted voice and reliable research partner for institutional investors focused on the rapidly-evolving and complex high yield and emerging corporate bond markets. At the core of our service is methodical, fundamental credit research provided by an experienced team of analysts through a proprietary web platform. Our independence allows us to avoid conflicts of interest and focus exclusively on providing investors with well-researched, unbiased analysis and relative-value perspectives. Our coverage universe comprises actively traded European, Asian and Latin American issuers, including credits from the iTraxx X-Over, Bloomberg EU HY Index, JP Morgan CEMBI and Asia Credit Indices, Bloomberg Barclays Emerging Markets Index and the Barclays Global HY Index. Our clients include asset managers, hedge funds, global investment banks, private banks, family offices and registered investment advisors.
Lucror further offers a dedicated ESG Research Platform, providing clients with a transparent framework to quantify and assess environmental, social and governance factors relevant and material to underlying credit quality. Our ESG Research Platform offers ESG scores at the overall and pillar levels, assessments of controversies, disclosure, ESG Momentum and ESG Impact on Credit.
Recognizing the value-add of Factor Investing in fixed income, Lucror developed the Smart Quant Navigator (SQN), an intuitive quant platform that helps clients devise and implement differentiated factor-based strategies ranging from pure quant to active fundamental, with an option to integrate ESG scores. SQN’s bond universe includes multi-currency global IG and HY instruments. Having been validated in a real-world environment by supporting a major European asset manager’s systematic investment process, SQN is now available to the broader market.