Fixed Income Leaders USA 2024

June 12 - 14, 2024

Omni Boston Hotel at the Seaport

Eugene Grinberg

Co-Founder & CEO SOLVE

Main Day 1 - June 13th

4:30 PM 360 Perspective: Pre-trade analytics: How can you leverage pre-trade tools to streamline information delivery and help traders cut through the noise for enhanced decision-making on the desk?

  • How can you implement the latest pre-trade tools to better analyze execution performance and minimize market impact? 
  • How can we better democratize data and make instrument data more accessible to smaller managers?  
  • How can you improve the accuracy and analysis of data and how can you best provide quantitative feedback to improve execution? 
  • Market data and associated costs: How can we strike the balance between specialised fixed income data and costs concerns?  
  • How can we use TCA data outputs to drive insight at the pre-trade stage? 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Eugene.

Download The Latest Agenda